The best Education AI tools

All the tools that you see on Liteworker have been hand-picked, reviewed and ranked using our comprehensive scoring system. Our aim is to provide you with the finest AI tools, if you purchase through our links, we may earn a commission.

AI tutors for real conversations. Praktika personalizes English learning with interactive practice and feedback.
Learn French or Spanish like never before! Language Atlas combines AI, personalized learning, and live tutors.
Simplify learning with AI-driven explanations, calculations, and expert guidance.
Photomath uses AI to instantly solve math problems (pre-algebra to calculus) and show step-by-step solutions, making learning fun and easy!
Conquer math anxiety with Mathway’s instant solutions and step-by-step guidance.
Brainly revolutionizes learning with AI-powered homework help, explanations, and study plans, making understanding easy and accessible for all students.
Discover how IllumiDesk leverages AI to transform course creation and content delivery, making it faster and more efficient for instructors and content developers.
Maximize your study efficiency with Paperclips – the AI-powered solution for generating quality flashcards from any text source.
booknotes AI revolutionizes book summary creation through advanced natural language processing, offering an innovative way to instantly generate customized analyses highlighting key ideas, quotes, and insights from texts to augment understanding.
Pioneering the next evolution in education. Dive into interactive content that resonates, educates, and captivates.